

SULTAN ABDUL HALIM ORCHESTRA is one of the school organizations which comprises students from form 1 till form 5. started entering the wind orchestra competition since 2001 and has won many awards in music field among SBP schools. now is looking forward for more and more victories in the future. the main objective of this blog is togather all of the students and of course the EX one that once become a Sultan Abdul Halim Orchestra member before, sharing everything includes experiences and other matters that can help for a better progression and development.

“A man who wants to lead the orchestra must turn his back on the crowd.” Max Lucado

Majlis Sambutan Menerima Pengetua SMSAH ke 13

Saturday, 14 January 2012

Majlis telah berlangsung dengan suasana yang ceria dan gembira menerima Pengetua ke 13 Tn.Hj.Abu Seman Bin Sareh Md.Isa. Semoga beliau dapat meneruskan kecemerlangan dalam mengemudi bahtera SMSAH. Warga kerja SMSAH akan sentiasa sederap bekerja demi menaikkan nama SMSAH yang unggul di pentas dunia dalam melahirkan anak bangsa yang cerdas, cerdik dan kreatif di masa akan datang. 

Twitt Me..
